Oh!!! it`s GEORDIE..
when I first came here, i thought that i have a good English language ,, untill i met the first person here ,,, and it was horrible !!..oh my god!!!!!! do they speak English??? ,, or is it me who doesn`t understand????? ..
when we first went to the city centre we had to take the bus ,,so i pushed Abubaker to ask the driver for tickets..but there was alot of "excuse me !!!,, pardon!!!,, sorry!!!!": my husband was struggling to understand the driver , but finally (and because Abubaker was clear in his question about the tickets) the driver gave us the tickets ,, but we were so disappointed with the local dialect ,,,we realized that we will make a great effort to cope with this language!!!,, their dialect sounds like the German way of speaking ,,
later we understand that this is the Geordie Dialect and "it is one of the oldest dialects in Britain, coming from ancient Scandinavian and German languages.
Geordie and Northumbrian words are more than 80% Angle (Danish) in origin. "(quoted from the BBC website)..
well now i`m used to the Geordie ,, although still don`t undersand most of it but i`m trying..
take a look at the BBC website , there are some sambles of the Geordie dialect..
http://www.bbc.co.uk/tyne/student/lingo.shtmlhave a nice geordie time!!!