Saturday, April 18, 2009

almost a Year !

it`s been almost a year since my last post .. many things happened ..good and bad... I will try to look back to this year-gap-events in the coming posts in sha`allah ... but for now, I will just try to re-open my door to visitors ..if there are any still knocking !...
I here today to say I`m still alive !! safe and sound... I never missed my favourate blogs ..happy to see new ones... follow all the updates ... I was just too lazy to post !!! ....
I noticed that my last post was about Edinburgh ! ironically I was there yesterday ... and went to the zoo (AGAIN !!!).. I guess not much happening after all !! lol

see u soon ...
Dania`s mama


كريمة الفاسي said...

لا داع للقلق ام دانية
عودة طيبة وان تأخرت، انا ايضا امر كثيراً بحالات من الارتباك، الكسل وحتى الملل من رتابة ما أفعل، وعكات صحية واحيانا مجرد الرغبة في البقاء وحيدة والنظر من بعيد لما يدور حولي.
لايزال الكثير يقرعونك بابك وينتظرون
لعل دانية صارت اكبر بعام
نلتقي ان شاء الله

Anonymous said...

welcome back sis.
i removed your blog from my favourite list,because i thought that u just stop blogging....
glade 2 return u back 2 my favourite..

NuNa said...

i am very happy to see you in your blogs again , it is not my first time here , i still remember i read some of your posts . i wonna put your blog in my list blogs.

Herr Esharif said...

welcomeback sis
glad 2 see u her again ,,,

how `s dunia !!


Αρετή Κυρηνεία said...

السيدة ام دنيا ..سعيدة جداا بعودتك للتدوين فأنا من قراءك منذ اكثر من سنة ، وكنت اجد متعة كبيرة فى قراءة يومياتك وتجاربك الحياتية ورحلاتك ،خاصة وانك تكتبين عن اماكن قضيت فيها اجمل الاجازات برفقة اسرتى ..لك مودة كبيرة ..وليحفظ لك الله دنيا

Hayam said...

welcome back...and nice too find you on blogger world..i will be in your visitors list in the next time :D


banksy canvas said...

It's strange you mention Edinburgh zoo, I just came back from there!

Sue said...

Oh Banksy, did you get to see the Pandas?

canvas prints said...

Welcome back, hope to have you blogging away like old times again!

Rajesh said...

Oh looks like you had a lovely trip and welcome back to blogging!