Dania supporting her favourate teams
I`m so thrilled right now .. thay made it ,, they won the game ,,, oaaaaaaaaah!!! it was a hard day for me .. i couldn`t see the match (I have a soft heart!!!),, but on the final 5 minutes of the additional time i came back to the living room waiting for the game to end and for the penalties to start ,,I was discussing the efficiency of the Italian goal keeper ,, and suddenly!!!!!!!!! they score and we jumped .. waaaw!! then the second one came !! oh my god ,, we screamed and yelled ,, I got a call from dad ,, he was singing and shouting with joy: we will take it!! "la coppa e nostra!!"(the cup is ours!!) ..
Abubaker called his friend who is a big fan of the Italians ,, he told us that the Libyans are in hte streets celebrating ,,
then my aunt called from Italy ,, she said there were fire works everywhere !! she lost her voice out of joy ,,
what a day!! I`m so happy right now ,, hoping to see them in the final game holding the cup ,, we need some celebrations !!
I noticed that I mostly write about the football and the world cup ,, well it is a temporary period as this is the main topic these days ,, even when I call my mum, I spend most of the call time chatting about the world cup ,, I guess this is what you get when you`re married to a "football lunatic"!!! sorry hubby.
Dania`s Mother
Dania is soooo cute :-)
Rima put the previous pic of dania , it's better than this ....
and iam going to make a blog as well ..
walahi ur blog is very nice but try to speak bout anthor things plus the world cup ..lol..
ur youngest brother....
i changed the picture for you brother ,, happy!!
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